want to stop smoking? Hypnosis
helps you get rid of the smoking habit and also helps eliminate the
desire and craving for cigarettes, pipes, and cigars and the same techniques
have been successful in stopping substance abuse such as marijuana..
In addition it aids in strengthening your self confidence, self esteem
and self control. Will
I ever smoke again? How
does hypnosis work? A smoker may consciously want to quit smoking. They don't like the terrible smell. They don't like the way it affects their health. They don't like burning holes in their clothes and furnishings, and they certainly don't like watching their money go up in smoke. Yet they continue smoking in spite of their many reasons for wanting to quit. These people are unable to quit because they are being controlled by thoughts, imprints and impressions, which exist in their subconscious minds. The conscious level of the mind can be used to reason and think, but it cannot over rule the control of the subconscious mind that has been programmed by thoughts, imprints, and impressions, that the conscious level of the mind is not even aware of. The "Hypnosis Method" gives your subconscious mind the suggestions and instructions it needs to change and clear out all of those thoughts, imprints and impressions, which are currently causing you to smoke. This is one of the main reasons why hypnosis can be so powerful in helping people overcome the smoking habit permanently. Once a person has been guided into a hypnotic state, the subconscious level of the mind becomes much more susceptible to suggestions. The person is completely aware of what the therapist is saying, and the suggestions given by the therapist are received by the subconscious mind, and have a powerful and profound effect in releasing those thoughts, imprints and impressions that have been causing the problem. Unless the subconscious mind is changed, the smoking habit continues to dominate the person. Normal willpower can only dent the surface temporarily. Hypnosis can permanently change the subconscious mind, so you will never want to smoke again. Your subconscious mind will also be given suggestions · To keep you calm and relaxed as you go about your normal daily activities, so you will not stress as a result of not smoking. · Not to substitute food for cigarettes so you will not put on any excess weight as a result of not smoking. · To cope with the situation of being around other smokers. · Strategies to deal with any residual withdrawal symptoms or cravings. As
a result of the hypnotic process your cravings and withdrawal symptoms
tend to reduce by between 80% and 100%. Some may still experience a
tiny bit of residual withdrawal symptoms, however your subconscious
mind will receive strategies for dealing with any residual cravings,
so that as soon as the strategy is put in place, the craving disappears
very quickly. The actual session itself is very positive and uplifting,
and you will feel wonderful to finally be a non-smoker. Rather than
being cranky and moody, you will feel terrific about not smoking. You
can get rid of the smoking habit permanently and completely with "The
Hypnosis Method" than by any other method being used today, and
in over 95% of cases it only takes one session to permanently overcome
the smoking habit. What
do others who have used 'The Hypnosis Method' have to say about it?
I had my session in September 2002, and since that time I have not found it necessary to have a cigarette nor had any craving for one. When I went to have my session, I didn't know what to suspect. I thought I would be comatose and under the hypnotist's spell, just like in the movies. Instead what I found was that the hypnotist spoke to my subconscious mind and I was either able to listen to him, fall what seemed to be asleep (But the hypnotist assured me it wasn't) or listen to some background music. The whole process took around an hour and a half. One half hour in assessing my smoking habit, the next hour being the hypnotic process, which was quite pleasurable. I have no hesitation in recommending John Petrocelli or any of the Staff members of the Hypnosis Center in New York City to to any person wishing to stop smoking. I have recommended a number of my friends all of whom to date have also been able to stop smoking and are quite grateful to John Petrocelli for his help." Miles Kleinn - NYC. MAKE
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you should definitely know about smoking What
is tobacco?
Tobacco is made from the dried leaves of the tobacco plant. Tobacco smoke is a mixture of almost 4,000 different chemical compounds, including nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide, acetone, ammonia and hydrogen cyanide. Forty-three of these chemicals have been proven to be carcinogenic (causing cancer). Tobacco is ingested through smoking cigarettes, pipes and cigars. In the form of a fine powder, it may also be sniffed as snuff, or it is sometimes sold in blocks to be chewed. It can also be ingested through passive smoking. Cigarettes account for approximately 98% of tobacco consumed in Australia. Nicotine Nicotine is a poison. Swallowing a small amount of pure nicotine can kill an adult. Nicotine is the stimulant drug in tobacco smoke that causes dependency, as it is highly addictive, both physically and mentally. A key brain chemical involved in mediating the desire to consume drugs is the neurotransmitter dopamine, and research has shown that nicotine increases the levels of dopamine in the part of the brain that regulates feelings of pleasure. This is an important reason why nicotine is so addictive. Many smokers believe smoking calms their nerves. However, smoking releases epinephrine, a hormone that creates physiological stress in the smoker, rather than relaxation. The addictive quality of the nicotine contained in the cigarette makes the user smoke more to calm down, when in fact the smoking itself is causing the agitation. Tar Tar is released when a cigarette burns. It is the main cause of lung and throat cancer in smokers, and it also aggravates bronchial and respiratory disease. A smoker who smokes one packet a day, inhales more than half a cup of tar from cigarettes each year. Carbon Monoxide Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless and very toxic gas, which is taken up more readily by the lungs than oxygen. High levels of carbon monoxide in the blood is typical of smokers and, together with nicotine, increases the risk of heart disease, hardening of the arteries and other circulatory problems. What are the problems associated with tobacco smoking? Tobacco smoking is the single largest preventable cause of death and illness in Australia, responsible for over 19,000 deaths each year, and many more disabilities. The ill health effects associated with long-term tobacco smoking include lung disease, such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema; heart disease; stroke; cancer of the mouth, larynx, pharynx, oesophagus, lungs, pancreas, cervix, uterus and bladder; peripheral vascular disease due to decreased blood flow to the legs; and reduced fertility in both men and women. One in two long-term smokers die from diseases caused by smoking. Half of these premature deaths occur in middle age, with an average loss of 23 years of life. In 1998, the National Drug Strategy Household Survey showed that tobacco smoking remained the leading cause of drug-related hospital episodes in Australia, with 142,525 (71%) episodes in 199798. The main tobacco-related illnesses requiring hospitalisation were cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and ischaemic heart disease. What are the benefits of quitting smoking? Stopping smoking at any age gives immediate benefits for men and women of all ages. Quitting allows the body to repair itself. Some of the immediate benefits of quitting include: within
one week of quitting nicotine and carbon monoxide leave the bodys
system, and the lungs begin to work more efficiently. A person who is dependent on cigarettes may find that they experience withdrawal symptoms when they cut down or stop smoking cigarettes. The short-term effects of quitting smoking may include:
Quitting smoking requires willpower and may take more than one attempt, as the chemical compounds in tobacco are highly addictive.
CAN STOP SMOKING You can stop smoking for goWe are successful if our clients become non-smokers. We know smoking cessation and regularly receive referrals from local physiod! Thousands and thousands of people across the country have quit smoking using hypnosis. For one-on-one hypnosis sessions call us today. All of our therapists are experienced with this important and life-changing issue. cians that know that our program is successful. Here is how it works. You will come in and see a video about hypnosis and then meet with your hypnotherapist. He or she will learn about your smoking habit and discuss how you want to quit. You can stop all at once or taper off. We require that you make a minimum of two appointments, three to seven days apart. Most people will either stop smoking or cut back to only one or two cigarettes a day after the first session. The next session will usually be ten times more powerful and effective than the first session. There are a small percentage, about 10 percent that will require more sessions to quit smoking. For that small percentage that need more help, we are there for them, too. Included in this process is a free stop smoking reinforcement cassette tape. Most clients report that they don't need to use the stop smoking reinforcement tape, but it is there if you want to reinforce your session (say for example you are going to go out and eat with some of your still-smoking friends). You don't have to gain weight because you quit smoking! Follow our plan and you may even lose weight. Our educative component helps you to replace the smoking habit with good positive behaviors. These good behaviors help you to take advantage of the time you used to spend smoking. If you now smoke 30 cigarettes a day and spend about 5 minutes on each cigarette that equals about 150 minutes, or 2 1/2 hours a day smoking. You need to plan for that time. If you don't, you will tend to gain weight. We can tell
you much more about our program. Call our office for more details. We
will be happy to answer your questions or send you some free information.
Or you can just e-mail your request. Two out of four of our therapists
used hypnosis to quit smoking (the other two never started smoking).
We know smoking cessation personally.
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